Friday, June 4, 2010

What A Girl Wants

Yes, crazy, pushy Tia is at it again. I have this idea for a collection of Mystery books. I would like to write a bunch of mystery books about 200 pages long... like episodes of a tv show. I am looking for a funny, ironic type of main character with something special that sets him/her apart. ie:
Monk- Obsessive compulsive crime fighter
Psych- Lazy, liar who cons city into letting him solve cases by being super observant
White Collar- The best white collar criminal recruited by the FBI to hunt down other white collar criminals
Dexter- Serial killer who only kills the bad guys he doesn't catch on his day job, being a blood spatter analyst

My goal with the books is to make short quick reads that would appeal to the fans of Monk and Psych.

What I would like from you:
1) Ideas of quirky, ironic main characters
2) Sidekicks, other supporting characters
3) Scenery, where does it take place
4) Backstory
5) Anything else that you might think of

After I gather up all of the details, I will write out the first draft of the first book and then ask you all to murder it... tear it to bits and pieces... add in snappier dialogue... slip in a plot twist or two... do what it takes to make it a great book.
If all goes well, we will submit the book as a ghost writer and get our first one published, split the profits and take a real sisters trip.


  1. My first thoughts on this were of a nosey librarian. The police station is under remodel, so they have to use one of the conference rooms. She tends to overhear a lot of things and can't help throwing herself into this 'real life mystery book'

  2. I like that. Maybe she could have wanted to train as a nurse until finding out she has an aversion to blood. That way, when she walks in on forensics pics she could have trouble keeping the nausea down--and you know plenty about nausea!

  3. I like the librarian angle - she doesn't have to know everything - because she's got mad skills with the reference books.

    What's her personal life like? Stereotypically she would be single with a cat to keep her company, but I think you should mix it up a bit. Maybe she could have either a roommate (not a live-in boyfriend!) or a sibling that lives with her...perhaps they're orphans because their parents were killed in a a) gruesome unsolved murder b)motoring accident c) they're not dead, just on assignment to some inaccessible place in Asia or Africa or South America - so little bro. or sis. has to stay and complicate/help.

  4. Now, I would like to add that as a librarian once told me, "When you you have a girl as the main charcter, only girls will read it. When you have a boy main character you open up your audience possibilities."
    So maybe a boy librarian and a girl chief of police?

  5. I'm not sure I'm digging a male librarian. Maybe I'm an old-fashioned sexist or something, but it seems kinda sissy. Talk me into it - something besides the great reason you mentioned above. That reason is great as far as appealing to the masses - but how many guys want to read about a sissy guy?

  6. Think the libraian guy from Where the Heart is. Super intelligent... facts fall off his tongue as he races around the library plucking books off of shelves and tossing them onto tables.
    Plus jocks aren't the ones reading the books, it's the smart boys.
    I love reading about clutzy plump girls that get the guy, because I relate to her. Smart guys would relate to a bookish smart guy.
    Maybe not.
    Any other suggestions besides librarian?
    How about the owner of a cool book store (like Powells)? All of the girls could swoon over Suzanne's description of the guy in the glasses.

  7. Also, think the Mentalist. He doesn't do much but lay on a couch, use his mind, and look pretty. He knows the tough guys though.

  8. I have no problem with a male librarian, you just need to have an EXCELLENT image of him.

    Was Clark Kent believable as a journalist?

  9. How about a reclusive guy who owns "Powells". He had been a famous author in his early 20's but had a writers block when his father died and left the store under his care.
    His anti-liberal accounting buddy shovels through the mess of paperwork and finds that the store is about to go under unless something changes.
    Cop lady comes in for info on case. He reluctantly helps by throwing facts and books at her. He makes a break in the case.
    Friend suggests that he start writing again to make money... he can use this experience with the cop as inspiration.
    She comes back for more info and asks that he check out something at the crime scene.

  10. That last part sounds a bit like 'Castle' - which I love, but you'd need to be careful not to copy too closely. I do like the bookstore owner angle better than librarian - make it like Powell's (new and used - those used books could come in handy as a plot device) - but maybe on a smaller scale.

  11. So, I can't get in but I thought of something. The book titles should be library sections - 3201 Psychology or 1204 Cooking or 9760 Wildlife, etc..


  12. That's funny because I have only seen about 5 minutes of Castle total.

    I want to avoid any 'done' plot lines. If not a writer, what other things could he get involved in? What is his motivation?
    He doesn't have to be involved in crime fighting, but what other scandalous activities could he be involved in?

    The Portland Mob scene?
    Undercover reporter?

  13. How about a pychologist with the personality of Dad...
    "It'll feel better when it quits hurting."
    "Measure twice; cut once."
    "Have a good time; don't be a good time."

  14. He could be writing a series of books with those sayings as the titles...

  15. What about an ex-cop that worked in LA. He quit after an extremely bad day and moved to 'a nice quiet town.' He works every (weird) job that he can find, but (like murder she wrote) crime happens everywhere he goes.

  16. What about Aftermath? Major tsunami/ earthquakes have taken out most of the western US. People with no experience are pitching in doing jobs like saving stranded people, protecting suppliers from looters, burying the dead... recovering.

  17. Edit the above... in the aftermath a a major disaster that kills thousands, bum Eddie is forced to step in and help .... He had quit working years before after... and became a recluse. Some officer or martial law person blackmails him into contributing his abilities. Think Father Goose with Cary Grant.
